Braden River Post Office, 4112 53rd Ave E

34203 Braden River Post Office 4112 53rd Ave E, Florida opening hours, phone number and location on the map.

ADDRESS: 4112 53rd Ave E, Florida,
ZIP CODE: 34203
PHONE NUMBER: +1 9417274817
FAX: 9417581540
TTY: 8778892457
TOLL-FREE: +1 1-800-Ask-USPS® (275-8777)

Should you have additional questions about post office tracking, please do not hesitate to call Braden River Post Office by the phone number +1 9417274817.

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ZIP Code 34203 are an integral part of making sure the mailpiece is processed quickly and efficiently. Mailpieces with a ZIP Code 34203 are processed quickly and efficiently.

Braden River Post Office hours of operation

Bulk mail acceptance hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Saturday-Sunday Not working
Carrier facility hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Global express guaranteed hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Last collection times:
Monday to Saturday 5:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Lobby hours:
Monday-Sunday 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM
Pickup services hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday Closed
Pobox access hours:
Monday-Sunday 12:01 AM - 11:59 PM
Retail hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Sunday Not working
The Postal Service provides mail processing and delivery services to individuals and businesses in the U.S. You can see all the reviews about Braden River Post Office. Don't hesitate to call or email for your personal needs, you are essential to our effective operation. For more information contact us using the Postal Email or call: +1 9417274817.
Our site is not affiliated with the USPS. For more infomation please visit the official USPS website.

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Braden River Post Office Reviews

  1. We had a mail stop from July 18 until Aug 4, an attempt was made by the carrier to stuff all of this mail into our mail box with some of it falling out . Our neighbor picked up the mail on the ground and took the stuffed mail out of the box. Our regular mail carrier Scott said that it was his substitute who was responsible. This degree of irresponsibility should not be tolerated by the Postal Service or the Union. We had magazines that were part of this mail and the covers were all destroyed in an attempt to fit all this mail into the mail box.The substitute mail carrier told Scott that he brought some mail to the front door ,which is not true. He is not only irresponsible but a liar also.

  2. I am a resident at Plantation Grove over 55 park at 4801 9Th. St. E. 34203. I never complain about anything but this is one time something needs an explanation for. All of last week mail was put in wrong boxes .Our mail is delivered to a central location here as with most parks. All last week mail was put in wrong boxes every single day. None of the sale circulars were delivered. I had a resident stop by my home to give me a piece of my mail which by the way was very important piece of mail. I went to pick up my mail and it had somebody else’s mail in it. I have already started the week off with 13 pieces of mail in my box and only 3 pieces belong to me. I can totally understand if a piece now and again gets put in wrong box but not like this. I am hearing from many of the residents that they also are getting wrong mail in their boxes. Please can you tell me what is going on? We have never ever had this much trouble before. I know, it can`t be Jeannette as she is our usual mail lady and she does a wonderful job. I will look forward to a reply. Thank You for your time in this issue.